donderdag 6 mei 2010

Eekhoorn en olifant

This is my graduation film of the WdKA. The story is about an elephant who always knock his head against the trees. Squirrel decides that it is better for elephant, if he walks exactly behind him from now on. With this filmplan, I won a studentprice of the Rotterdam filmfund, what made it possible for me to finance the music and sound for this film.

HAFF leader

Leader for an animation film festival, made in co-operation with Daan Faudet. A love/hate story between artistic an commercial animation in 1 minute..

Door het oog

With this installation I tried to show in a poetic way the proces of the eye. The brains turn the impressions that you get on your retina upside down. In the video report of this intallation you see how a big lens lowers through the pupil of an eye. the spectator sees himself upside down reflected in the lens (in this case it is me with the camera). The eye of the spectator grows bigger and bigger, and finaly 'blobs' through its own eye too see himself the right way up.